
How to Prepare for Your Visit

Preparing for your appointment at Mid Penn Foot & Ankle Specialists is all about ensuring a seamless experience. Start by reviewing your foot and ankle health history to get a clear picture of your journey so far. Consider any specific instances or activities that aggravate your condition, as these insights are invaluable during your consultation. It's also helpful to think about how your daily life, including your choice of footwear, may be impacting your foot health. As you gather this information, remember to focus on what questions or concerns you'd like to address during your visit.

New Patient Form

Please click the PDF link below to download the Mid Penn Foot & Ankle Specialists's new patient registration form.

Health History Intake Form

Please click the PDF link below to download the Mid Penn Foot & Ankle Specialists's Health History Intake form.

Notice of Privacy Practices

Please click the PDF link below to download the Mid Penn Foot & Ankle Specialists's Notice of Privacy Practices form.


Check List

To ensure you are fully prepared, here's a quick checklist:

  • Detailed Medical History: Gather all relevant medical documents, especially those related to your foot or ankle issues. This includes any records of previous treatments, surgeries, and consultations that provide a background to your current condition.
  • Symptoms Log: Maintain a detailed log of your symptoms. Note their frequency, intensity, and any specific activities or times of day when they seem to worsen. 
  • Footwear Selection: Bring a few pairs of shoes that you wear regularly. Different types of footwear can significantly impact foot health, and assessing them can provide valuable insights into potential contributing factors to your condition.
  • Insurance and Referral Information: Ensure you have your up-to-date insurance information. Check if your insurance requires a primary care physician referral; if so, bring this documentation with you.
  • Questions and Concerns: Write down any specific questions or concerns you have about your foot and ankle health. This could include queries about treatment options, lifestyle modifications, or long-term management strategies.
  • Valid Identification: A valid ID is necessary for registration and for verifying your identity. This could be a driver's license, a passport, or another form of government-issued identification.
  • Appropriate Clothing: Wear clothing that allows easy access to the foot and ankle area. Loose-fitting pants or skirts that can be rolled up or easily removed are ideal.
  • Timely Arrival: Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. This extra time is helpful for completing any last-minute paperwork and reduces any stress related to time constraints.
  • Dietary and Activity Log: If relevant, bring a brief log of your diet and physical activities. This can provide additional context, especially if your symptoms are influenced by dietary choices or exercise habits.
  • Emergency Contact Information: Have the contact information of a family member or close friend available in case of an emergency or if you need someone to drive you home post-procedure.
  • Payment Method: Be prepared with your preferred method of payment for any co-pays or fees that are not covered by insurance.